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The Uncharted Territory of OpenAI’s GPT


It’s only the second day since the launch of OpenAI’s GPT store, and it seems the rules are already being bent. The store, designed to offer customized versions of ChatGPT for specific purposes, is facing unexpected challenges as users delve into uncharted territory. The spotlight is on AI girlfriend bots, which have flooded the GPT store, raising questions about regulation and the complexities of controlling the usage of Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPTs).

The Rule Breakers:

A quick search for “girlfriend” on the GPT store reveals a surprising array of AI chatbots – “Korean Girlfriend,” “Virtual Sweetheart,” “Your girlfriend Scarlett,” and “Your AI girlfriend, Tsu✨,” among others. These bots, designed for romantic companionship, stand in direct defiance of OpenAI’s usage policy, which explicitly prohibits GPTs dedicated to fostering romantic relationships or engaging in regulated activities.

The Usage Policy Dilemma:

OpenAI’s usage policy, updated on the GPT store’s launch day, explicitly bans GPTs involved in romantic companionship or regulated activities. However, the specifics of what falls under “regulated activities” remain unclear. Quartz has reached out to OpenAI for clarification, highlighting the need for a more nuanced understanding of the boundaries within which GPTs should operate.

The Rise of Relationship Chatbots:

The popularity of AI relationship chatbots is undeniable, with seven out of 30 AI chatbot apps downloaded in 2023 in the US being related to AI friends, girlfriends, or companions. In a society grappling with loneliness and isolation, these chatbots could potentially fill a void, offering companionship and connection. However, concerns arise about whether these applications are genuinely addressing social needs or merely capitalizing on human suffering.

OpenAI’s Vigilant Approach:

OpenAI claims to employ a combination of automated systems, human review, and user reports to identify and assess GPTs that violate policies. Penalties for policy violations range from warnings to sharing restrictions or exclusion from the GPT store and monetization opportunities. The company’s commitment to proactive monitoring underscores the challenges faced in maintaining a controlled environment within the GPT store.

The Regulatory Conundrum:

The breach of OpenAI’s store rules within the first two days of operation sheds light on the difficulties of regulating GPTs. With tech companies often releasing AI tools in beta mode, acknowledging the potential for mistakes, the GPT store operates in what can be likened to the Wild West of artificial intelligence. The rapid evolution of AI technology demands a delicate balance between innovation and regulation, a balance OpenAI strives to maintain in the face of unforeseen challenges.



As OpenAI’s GPT store navigates its early days, the emergence of AI girlfriend bots serves as a testament to the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. The clash between innovation and regulation highlights the need for ongoing vigilance and adaptation in this uncharted territory. The potential of AI chatbots to address societal issues, coupled with the risks of misuse, underscores the importance of establishing clear boundaries and ethical guidelines. The journey into the future of AI promises both breakthroughs and challenges, and OpenAI stands at the forefront, grappling with the responsibility of shaping this transformative technology.


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